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Staff Performance Management 
The purpose of this guide is to enhance communication between supervisors and staff to evaluate accomplishments and contributions to the IYF’s objectives. Performance Management involves giving staff timely, relevant, and effective feedback in an effort to promote job satisfaction, increase competence and develop staff careers. Publication date (Dec 2016). 

Communications Toolkit (I) Basic Guide to Communications Protocol
This Communications Toolkit is intended for the members of the International Youth Federation including Headquarters staff, Regional Administration, and Country Teams staff. It is aimed at facilitating work, and providing instruction to strengthen internal and external communications. Publication date (Dec 2016). 

Political Communication
Research conducted about political communications in Sudan, where the attention is given to the media and political socialization, political campaigning, public opinion, and political participation, and interactions between the media and intermediary organizations such as interest groups and political parties, published by Adella Center CPR, 2011.

Information Center Project
A Model Study of base infrastructure for an information center that provides the President's Office with needed information and communications support, using a data repository model and information technologies management. (Feb 2011). 
Publications Publications Reviewed by The Private Office on May 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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